Consecrated Devotional Products
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S9037-16 – Aadhyathmk Aimpon Hamsa Panchaloha Bracelet Adjustable Kaapu Panchaloha Kankanam Panchdathu Kangan 5 Metal Panjalogam 2¼inch Diameter 20grams
Another name for butterfly is Prajapati. The reason for this is that Bengalis consider Brahma as an Prajapati avatar. Almost all aspects of Hindu Bengali weddings include a butterfly. Because they consider the butterfly as a symbol of marriage. It is a strong belief of Bengalis that if a real butterfly lands anywhere on …
S9058-192 – Aadhyathmik Prajapathi Mixed Metal Pendant 1Inch 2gramsRead More
S9092-54 – Energised Medha Sakthi Mala 108 Beads For Wisdom with Cleverness